Title: There With You - PART FOURTEEN Pairing: AJ/Soohyun Rating: PG-13 Summary: AJ and Soohyun go to Ronan’s apartment for Soohyun’s last night in New York. And Soohyun has an evil plan in mind.
Title: There With You - PART THIRTEEN Pairing: AJ/Soohyun Rating: Alas, we are back to PG-13 Summary: AJ and Soohyun slowly make their way out of the dorm.
Title: There With You - PART TEN Pairing: AJ/Soohyun Rating: Still NC-17. Summary: The next morning. A/N: Sorry for the delay, there was... life and stuff.
Title: There With You - PART EIGHT Pairing: AJ/Soohyun Rating: PG-13 Summary: Just as things heat up between AJ and Soohyun, Ronan steals Soohyun for a mysterious mission.